Woo Hoo!

You may have noticed that our new websites are live!  We’re so excited.  Lots of new things right now with us!

First of all, the sites….we now have a site devoted to weddings and one devoted to seniors as well as one more devoted to families and kids (the last one is still under a little bit of renovation but it’ll get there!)

Weddings and seniors really are our specialties and we felt like we needed separate websites to fully show off our work in those areas.  Enjoy!

Also, did you notice the new logo?  We’ve changed our logo to be Sb Photography.  Stephen is fully part of the business now and we wanted to show that he’s here too!  He handles all of our finances and organization (and boy I needed help in this department!)

The nice thing about this logo is it can be short for Samantha Bender Photography…so we aren’t completely departing from our past identity…we’re even keeping http://www.samanthabender.com as our web address!

Finally, we’ve added a little tagline to our logo – fresh . modern . real.  We want people to know right away by seeing our logo the type of work we do!  Woo hoo!  I can barely sit still…so excited!  Ok – back to work!

Sam & Stephen

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